?DC Universe? Movie Bombshell
Bombshell ?DC Universe?
release date: 2019
Charles Randolph
audience Score: 56051 vote
Rating: 7,1 of 10
Now. I would maybe say this could be one of the top three best movies of 2019, at least in my opinion. I did not finish it, though I plan to in the future, perhaps not even soon. But eventually within the year.
I really enjoy movies that explore a topic you hardly notice. Something that is seldom seen in movies. One example is Deepwater Horizon. Another could be Sully. These are movies that are just different, and eye opening. Something you didn"t know you cared about.
Trump is a hot topic. Talk about his sexual background, and you"ve got everyone in the room interested. Now link that with the corporate world in general, still good stuff. Now add three hot blondes, some of the best actresses to be billed, and you"ve got a decent watch.
The movie is about three women. One is an established woman on broadcast news. The other is less established, and losing popularity. And the other is on the rise. Each go through their own experiences of witnessing sexual harassment in the workplace.
It"s some good stuff. I had to stop myself a time or two to explore my own ideas on the topic, and how good this movie could make them pleasurable.
If they got the ending right, this could be one of the best of the year, at least to me. I don"t know, I must have turned it off because it wasn"t going anywhere. Politics is always boring. Some could do it right, though not sure if this one could.
7 stars.
One so bombe film. One so bomber. One so bombe. After seeing the entire film, I am in agreement that there was sexual harassment from Roger Ailes. This has gone on in other networks as well. Excellent performances. Fox News has departed somewhat from the overly coiffed, glammed blond female commentators. This is a good thing, but they need to do more in that area. Most of the reporting from Fox News is valid from a conservative standpoint, something sorely missing from all the other mainstream media. One so bomberman. One so bomber. One so bomberz. One sonometer leg length discrepancy. One so bombers. One so bombes.
- http://showtime-no-time-to-die-movie-stream.over-blog.com/2020/06/kissmovies-no-time-to-die-movie-watch.html
- https://www.giantbomb.com/profile/kosengao/about-me/
- https://seesaawiki.jp/itonke/d/%26%2310075%3bOpenload%26%2310076%3b%20Free%20Online%20Clueless